• Dimensions: 18 m2
  • Build time: 1 week

The client had a pre-existing bed that they wanted to remodel, keeping the large specimen Japanese Acer and  two drilled rock water feature.

We moved the water feature more central to the area and added two Tenshi standing stones to the side. Dwarf rhododendrons Bloombux were planted around the bases of the Tenshi stones. Bloombux are evergreen and have been genetically modified so that they grow in almost any soil. For two weeks in June they bear small pink flowers, which are really popular amongst bees and other wildlife. On the other side of the water feature we planted two Naninda domestica, again evergreen, they provide interest all year round and produce attractive red berries in Autumn.

Towards the back of the planting bed is an attractive Oribe lantern. Carved in Japan from sandstone, this lantern took a skillful artisan carver 3 weeks to intricately hand carved to the highest detail. Around the lantern we planted evergreen Ferns and leptinella squalida ‘platts black’ which will provide low ground cover.

Behind the lantern is a decorative bamboo four-eye fence, creating a visual barrier between the planting bed and the rest of the lawned garden. To finish the area is top dressed with small scottish cobbles.