- Dimensions: 82 m2
- Build time: 3 weeks
A meandering stepping stone path from the house splits in two directions. The stepping stones are set in 14mm silver-grey zen gravel. Following the path round to the left you are led towards Japanese waiting arbour. We build the waiting arbour in our workshops and then reassemble on site. The frame is made from treated soft wood timber stained dark brown. Panels are set between timber posts, and stained beige. One of the front corner posts is a tree trunk which adds character to the arbour. Interally, there is an attractive timber bench along the rear wall. The floor frame and flooring boards are made from pressure treated timber.
To the side, and viewed whilst sat in the waiting arbour is a 45cm Tetsu bachi water basin which is fed by an upright bamboo spout. Traditional kneeling stones are positioned around the water feature arrangement, surrounded by mixed cobbles. Planting includes ground cover pachysandra, a tall Nadina domesica and Japanese Maple. Behind the arrangement is a 1m decorative four-eye fence. Beyond, within the gravel is positioned a tall Kasuga granite style lantern with low ophiopogon evergreen planting.
Turning right from the house on the stepping stone pathway leads towards a new garden gate. Either side of the path are planting beds top dressed with bark mulch. On your left are 3 tenshi standing stones set in the zen gravel with evergreen under planting and a Japanese maple behind. Further along the path are feature blue grey granite rocks with bloombux and pittosporum planting. In the center is a tall ilex cloud tree.
On the other side of the path are more blue grey granite feature rocks, Japanese maple and evergreen planting surrounding an existing tree.