213 Tenshi standing stone


Only 1 left in stock

SKU: AFA639 Category:


213 – Tenshi Standing Stone: W: 200kg & H: 85cm*

*Height is measured from the base of the stone. For stability approx 10-20cm of the stone needs to be buried into the ground.

Tenshi standing stones are an attractive green to grey colour, with striking bright white bands running through the stone. Formed from Gneiss this hard durable stone is the ideal material for standing stone groupings in Japanese gardens.

We always have a selection of this attractive rock to chose from in a range of sizes to suit most landscaping projects.

We can carefully select standing stone arrangements and stone groupings for Japanese gardens and can supply a digital image of the grouping to assist when setting up: please email us to discuss your project and we’d be happy to find the right material for you.

For more information about our current stock of Tenshi stones please send us an email.

Additional information

Weight 200 kg
Dimensions 40 × 40 × 85 cm