Japanese Shishi Odoshi, or more commonly known as a Deer scarer.
The standard one features two stout softwood support posts to hold the pivoting bamboo deer scarer and a 70 cm high Upright bamboo water spout. The round support posts are supplied ‘over length’ so that the lower part can be dug into the ground for stability and the end of the pivoting bamboo cane would rest on a flat top rock ( not part of the kit ). As the open end of the pivoting cane fills with water from the upright bamboo spout, it tilts forward and spills the water. Once empty, the pivoting bamboo cane returns to its original position making a loud ‘clack’ on the rock to scare the deer from the fields.
To make the Deer scarer work, you would also require our small water feature kit that includes a water reservoir, a piece of pond liner, and a submersible water pump.
This product is made by us in-house so can be adapted to your requirements.
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